The events that happened in the Delhi magazine on the 11th
May are probably best described using the official report submitted by
Lieutenant Forrest, second in command of the detachment of nine British soldiers
who manned the magazine.
Meerut, May 27th, 1857.
From Lieutenant G Forrest. Assistant Commissary of Ordnance,
to Colonel A. Abbott, CS., Inspector-General of Ordnance and Magazines Fort William.
Sir,—l have the honour to report for the information of
Government, and in the absence of my commanding officer, Lieutenant Willoughby,
Artillery, supposed to be killed on his retreat from Delhi to this station, the
following facts as regards the capture of the Delhi Magazine by the mutineers
and insurgents on the 11th inst. On the morning of that date, between seven and
eight p.m.. Sir Theophilus Metcalf came to my house and requested that I would
accompany him to the magazine, for the purpose of having two guns placed on the
bridge, sons to prevent the mutineers from passing over. On our arrival at the
magazine, we found present Lieutenants Willoughby and Raynor with Conductors
Buckley, Shaw, Scully and Acting/Sub-Conductor Crow and Sergeants Edwards and
Stewart with the native establishment. On Sir Theophilus Metcalf alighting from
his buggy, Lieutenant Willoughby and I accompanied him to the small bastion on
the river face, which commanded a full view of the bridge, from which we could
distinctly see the mutineers marching in open column, headed by the cavalry,
and the Delhi side of the bridge was already in the possession of a body of
cavalry. On Sir Theophilus Metcalf observing this, he proceeded with Lieutenant
Willoughby to see if the city gate was closed against the mutineers. However,
this step was needless, as the mutineers were admitted directly to the palace,
through which they passed cheering. On Lieutenant Willoughby’s return to the
magazine, the gate of the magazine were closed and barricaded, and every
possible arrangement that could be made was at once commenced on. Inside the
gate leading to the park were placed two six pounders, double charged with
grape, one under Acting/Sub Conductor Crow and Sergeant Stewart, with the
lighted matches in their hands and with orders that if any attempt was made to
force that gate both guns were to be fired at once, and they were to fall back
on that part of the magazine in which Lieutenant Willoughby and I were posted.
The principal gate of the magazine was similarly defended by two guns, with the
chevaux de frieze laid down on the inside, For the further defence of this gate
and the magazine in its vicinity there were two six pounders so placed that
either commanded the gate and a small bastion in its vicinity. Within sixty
yards of the gate and in front of the office, and commanding two cross roads,
were three six pounders and one twenty-four pounder howitzer, which could be so
managed as to act on any part of the magazine in that neighbourhood.
After all these guns and howitzers had been placed in the
several positions above named, they were loaded with double charges of grape.
The next step taken was to place arms in the hands of the native establishment,
which they most reluctantly received and appeared— particularly the Mussulman
portion of the establishment—to be in a state not only of excitement but also
if insubordination, as they refused to obey any orders issued by the Europeans.
After the above arrangements had been made, a train was laid by Conductors
Buckley, Scully and Sergeant Stewart, ready to be fired by a preconcerted
signal, which was that of Conductor Buckley raising his hat from his head, on
the order being given by lieutenant Willoughby. The train was to be fired by
Conductor Scully, but not ‘until such time as the last round from the howitzers
had been fired. So soon as the above arrangements had been made, guards from
the palace came and demanded the possession of the magazine in the name of the
king of Delhi, to which no reply was given.
Immediately after this, the Subadar of the guard on duty at
the magazine informed Lieutenant Willoughby and myself that the king of Delhi
had sent down word to the mutineers that he would without delay send scaling
ladders fro the palace for the purpose of scaling the walls, and these shortly
after arrived. On the ladders being erected against the wall the whole of our
native establishment deserted us by climbing up the sloped roofs on the inside
of the magazine and descending the ladders on the outside, after which the
enemy appeared in great numbers on the top of the walls. We kept up an
incessant fire of grape on them, every round of which told well, as long as a
single round remained. Previous to the natives deserting us they hid the
priming pouches, and one man in particular, Kureem-buksh, a Durwan, appeared to
keep up a constant communication with the enemy on the outside and keep them
informed of our situation. Lieutenant Willoughby was so annoyed at this man’s
conduct that he gave me an order to shoot him should he again approach the
Lieutenant Raynor, with the other Europeans, did everything
that possibly could be done for the defence of the magazine, and where all have
behaved so bravely it is almost impossible for me to point out any particular
However. I am duly bound to bring to the notice of the
Government the gallantry of Conductors Buckley and Scully on this trying
occasion. The former, assisted only by myself, loaded and fired in rapid
succession the several guns above detailed, firing at least four rounds from
each gun, and with the same steadiness as if standing on parade, although the
enemy were then some hundreds in number and kept up a continual fire of
musketry on us within forty or fifty yards. After firing the last round,
Conductor Buckley received a musket ball in his arm above the elbow, which has
since been extracted here; I, at the same time, was struck in the left hand by
two musket balls which disabled me (or the time. It was at this critical moment
that Lieutenant Willoughby gave the order for firing the magazine, which was at
once responded to by Conductor Scully firing the several trains. Indeed, from
the very commencement, he evinced his gallantry by volunteering his services
for blowing up the magazine, and remained true to his trust to the last moment.
As soon as the explosion took place, such as escaped from beneath the ruins,
and none escaped unhurt, retreated through the sally port on the river (ace.
Lieutenant Willoughby and I succeeded in reaching the Cashmere gate. What
became of the other parties it is impossible (or me to say. Lieutenant Raynor
and Conductor Buckley have escaped to this station. Severe indisposition
prevented my sending in this report sooner.
I have, etc.,
(Signed) G. Forrest, Lieutenant, Assistant Commissary of
N B-—After crossing the river on the night of the 11th, I
observed the whole of the magazine to be on fire, so that I am in hopes that
little of the property fell into the hands of the enemy. Park Sergeant Hoyle
was shot about eleven a.m. by the mutineers in attempting to reach the magazine
to aid in its defence.